Hydrangeas are among the most versatile and popular flowers. They can take centre stage in a gorgeous event piece or make a remarkable filler to complement your design.
Artificial Hydrangea Arrangements

These silk flowers make a bold design statement at events or as part of an eye-catching interior design. Artificial hydrangea arrangements are available in many colours to complement your style. The arrangements can be used as an elegant focal point or as accent pieces around your home or office. Additionally, themed presentations are available for events like baby showers, weddings and Christmas.
Taking Care of Artificial Flowers
Silk flowers gather dust, which can be quite annoying. However, there are easy ways of cleaning them to keep them looking better for longer:
Easy Techniques
A feather duster can be used; however, it will only clean the surface, leaving the grooves dirty. A hairdryer could also be placed on its coldest setting and used to clean the flowers. However, for more effective cleaning, a stocking can be slipped over the end of a vacuum, set on low and used to suck the dirt off the flowers.
Reasonably-priced and Effective Options
Put half a cup of cornmeal or salt in a bag with the flowers and gently shake it around for a few minutes; this should be repeated as often as necessary. Alternatively, a spray bottle with equal parts white vinegar and water can be used to spray the flowers all over. Use newspaper to catch the excess spray. Ensure that this mixture is tested on a small part of a flower to check for colour running. A wet cleaning technique includes mixing water with dishwashing liquid. Put one stem under this water and move it around until each one is clean, remove and blot dry. This technique is quite a time consuming but it yields awe-inspiring results.
More Costly Options

Silk flower cleaning sprays offer a rapid solution. However, they are quite costly and possibly only worthwhile to those with a large number of flowers to clean rapidly. Though highly effective, the spray could miss dust in the grooves. Compressed air is a better option that allows you to target specific areas but care should be taken to prevent damage.
Keeping your silk flowers clean will allow you to use them much longer. This makes these types of long-lasting arrangements, even more, cost-effective.