Proper lawn maintenance is the first strategy that homeowners can use to eliminate weeds in your lawn. Creating the perfect lawn conditions is the easiest way to keep weeds from growing. Watering the lawn, and applying fertilizer will help the grass grow thick and strong. That will prevent weeds from growing on the lawn.
Cutting the grass to the ideal height will also keep weeds off the lawn. Grass at the ideal height keeps the ground a cooler temperature, which slows weed germination. Those weeds that do sprout do not get enough sunlight to grow, and they die back.
The ideal height differs, depending on the type of grass, and the climate. Most cool climate grasses, for example, have an ideal height of either one-quarter to three-quarters of an inch, or one and a half inches to three inches. Warm climate types range from one half an inch to one inch, or two to three inches. The perfect height can be found on the seed packaging for each type of grass.
Identifying Weed Types:
Before taking effective action against weeds, it is important to know which type of weed is growing in the lawn. There are essentially three main types of weeds. A broad-leaf weed is anything that has a leaf on it, such as clover or dandelions.
Perennial grassy weeds spread through the roots and seeds in the lawn every year. These are long weeds that sprout up singularly in different places. Annual grassy weeds, the third type, are dormant during the winter like the grass of the lawn. This types includes crabgrass, and grows in bunches in the lawn.

Controlling Each Type of Weed:
Now that they have been identified, Eliminating Weeds in your lawn will be faster, and more efficient. Broad-leaf weeds can be killed with a small amount of herbicide. Apply it using a low pressure sprayer to aim at the weeds.
Perennial weeds require a “non-selective” weed killer. The problem with that strength of herbicide is that everything in the area will be killed, if it is sprayed on the lawn. That will include healthy grass and nearby plants. To prevent that from happening, apply the herbicide directly on each tall weed. Be sure to wear rubber gloves during this process.
Crabgrass can be prevented easily. After the first mowing in the spring, spread a crabgrass preventive product on the area where the crabgrass grew last year. It will stop the seeds from ever germinating. That is how to kill weeds in lawn.
If using a herbicide, follow the directions carefully. Most come in a concentrated formula that can be mixed with water. That is more cost-effective because only what is needed is used at one time, leaving the rest for another application when needed.

Alternatives to Chemicals:
Mulch can be used to prevent weeds from growing in areas where grass does not grow. Shaded places in the yard, in gardens, and around trees are the prefect spots for mulch. It adds color to the area, and chokes the air and sunlight from weeds.
There other ways to control weeds that do not include chemicals. Spraying them with vinegar, for example, will kill them. Digging them up is labor intensive, but will keep the soil free from contaminants. Spreading salt on the weeds will also kill them.
Pouring boiling water over then will kill weeds as well. Be careful not to get too much water on the grass to avoid damage. Flame weeding tools are available to burn weeds down to the roots. This method ensures they will not grow back.
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